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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Foothill College Library now has a new resource called Films on Demand, which covers an array of subjects, including mathematics! Here you will find streaming video demonstrations of, for example, Linear Equations, Quadratic Functions, and applications of Geometry and more. There are also TED Talks on a variety of interesting topics, including African Fractalsby Ron Eglash, A Formula for Changing Math Education by Arthur Benjamin, and even one by Robert Lang (creator of the last week's Google-Doodle honoring Origami) entitled: Idea + Square = Origami.

If you want to share with your class any of these videos, please feel free to, as our license includes public performance rights.

The link to the Foothill library is https://foothill.edu/library/. Once there, click on the "Films on Demand" tab under the section labeled "Featured Databases".

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